ىا من الىة المشتكى و المبتحل - Ya Man Alaykal Mushtaqa

Posted on Fri, May 3, 2024 Aimat Tahereen Duat Mutlaqeen Taher Fakhruddin Panjatan Paak Munajaat

Munajaat of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin

  1. O Lord, to whom we take our grievances and tears, who grants the wishes of all who call out to Him.
  2. I beseech the intercession, wasila, of the first intellect, Aql-i Awwal. O Lord, forgive my sins and transgressions.
  3. I beseech you in the name of the Followers of the First Intellect, the Seven Circles of Intellects, and the Tenth Intellect, Aashir — celestial angels in the realm of eternity.
  4. I beseech you in the name of the Perfect Adam, Adam-al-Kulli, a perfect intellect, and in the name of the pure and noble Imams that come in his line.
  5. In the cycle of odd Revelation, Kashf, Concealment, and the Great Prophets, bringers of Shariah laws.
  6. I beseech you in the name of the two worlds and species, the Great Prophet, Natiq, of our cycle, Taha, chief of Messengers.
  7. I beseech in the name of Hyder, the best of all people, Muhammad’s Lagatee, whose legacy is bequeathed, Wasi. Love of Hyder is the pious devotee’s best deed, khayrul amal.
  8. I beseech you in the name of his pure spouse, Zahra, chief of all women, daughter of the Prophet, adorned with the robes of holiness.
  9. She is the Night of Extraordinary Value, Laylatul Qadr, whose blessings pour down like abundant rain.
  10. I beseech you in the name of Imam Hasan, Shabbar, and his brother Maulana Hussain, the martyr of Karbala, who was killed unjustly.
  11. I beseech you in the name of Imams in Hussain Imam’s line, proofs, and the reason for the world’s creation.
  12. Each is a Maula, a Mustaqarr Imam, whose virtue is recognized and celebrated in all the lands, sacred and earthly.
  13. Allah’s descriptions fall upon them, so say — O friend — what you wish about their eminence!
  14. O Lord, I beseech you in the name of Tayyib Imam, descendant of the pure Imams, who are remembered with praise in the Quran Mazid.
  15. I beseech you in the name of each Dai who represents them, guiding people toward them during their Concealment.
  16. Each Dai is virtuous, pious, and learned; he clarifies ambiguities and uncertainties.
  17. Dais are Surahs of the Quran. Their Maula is their Imam, who is the complete Quran.
  18. O Lord, I beseech you in the name of Syedna Qutbuddin, sun among the radiant Dais and heir to their virtues, our glorious father.
  19. Syedna Qutbuddin is Syedna Burhanuddin’s true Successor, Mansoos, not the usurper who calls towards falsehood and disgrace.
  20. Nass is performed with divine inspiration, taeed — it is true and unchanging, for it is God’s rope which will never break.
  21. Nass would not be Nass if it could change, for it is “sacrifice that has reached its destination” Quran 2:196.
  22. This is true doctrine, none other. By God, this is God’s eternal rope.
  23. O Lord, I beseech you in the name of the rank holders appointed by Dais, each sincere in his actions.
  24. O Lord of Glory, you never cease to be, and you never cease. You, O Lord of the World, have never not been.
  25. O you who are almighty beyond the grasp of comprehension and thought, glorious beyond description and imagination.
  26. O my Lord, I have come to you seeking refuge and protection, bestow grace on this humble man!
  27. I have come to you, repentant and remorseful, my back weighed down by sins.
  28. I lay my cheek on the earth, and my eyes flow with tears, O my Lord, from regret and shame.
  29. Be generous — have mercy on my grieving tears! Stop your servant’s stumbles and falls with your graciousness!
  30. I am a sinner, I am inadequate, I am repentant! Be kind — forgive my sins and transgressions!
  31. I am afraid, I am suffering, I have come begging! Bestow, give, help, grant all my wishes, bring me close and join me to you.
  32. I place my faith in you, Allah, to fulfill my needs and dispel my woes.
  33. Change my hardship into ease, as you have promised! Grant this poor man a life of comfort and prosperity.
  34. Bestow on me, Allah, your generous gifts! Grant me, O my Lord, your sufficing sustenance.
  35. Give me “coolness of eyes” in my children! Place them among those who accept your commands!
  36. Place me, O Allah, among those who worship you in gratitude until the end of their lives.
  37. O Lord! Place me among your servants who enter your garden of Heaven when they die!
  38. I am your grief-stricken servant, O Lord, have mercy! If you grant me mercy, I will always be blissfully happy.
  39. I am your lowly servant, O Lord of the World, and the servant of Taha Mustafa’s descendants.
  40. I am their slave, their devotee. My life always be a sacrifice for them. Without any lethargy or fatigue in their service.
  41. They are my refuge in hardship, they are my shelter, they are my safe haven in calamities and fear.
  42. Allegiance to them is my treasure, remembering them is my occupation — every single moment. I fear not those who censure me.
  43. Love for them is salvation, ‘najaat’ from the sea of annihilation. Whoever fails to believe in them will not attain salvation.
  44. I beseech you in their name, O Lord, grant me a great victory, fateh e mubeen! Raise the banners of truth high and do so swiftly!
  45. Destroy the enemies of truth, O Lord, and do so with speed! Protect the true religion from heretical deviation.
  46. I am Taher Fakhruddin, Dai of the Imam of age whose nobility is by the Imam’s auspicious blessings.
  47. His inspiration flows to me every moment. I have answers for “who?” and “why?” and “when” and “whether?”
  48. My utmost wish is to please my Imam, Nabi Mustafa’s descendant. O Lord, grant me a long life to serve him.
  49. With the Imam's inspiration, I guide towards truth those who swerved away.
  50. O people of our community! Awake from your sleep! Come to clear truth! Leave the misguider, mudill.
  51. Who amongst you will give allegiance to me? Belief is completed only through allegiance.
  52. You will not enter Paradise until — by listening and obeying and bowing down — “the camel passes through the eye of the needle” (Quran 7:40).
  53. O Lord, grant believers, mumeneen, their wishes, look after all their concerns.
  54. Grant them abundant, pure sustenance. Protect them from those who plot and scheme.
  55. Protect them from the evil of hissing, sneaking devil, protect them against misguiding jinns and humans.
  56. Keep their feet firm upon the path of truth. Guide them, O Lord, to the best way.
  57. Nourish them with the knowledge of Aale-Mohammad — that knowledge, by God, is sweeter than honey!
  58. Open their hearts to your religion. O Lord, remove, by your grace, whatever animosity they may harbor.
  59. Make their character sound, save them from sinning, and raise their eminence, O Lord, to the heights.
  60. Grant those who have spent their wealth in your path, Lord, multifold increase with a drenching torrent of blessings, or swift rain (Quran Baqarah 2:265).
  61. May Allah bless the Prophet, his descendants, and their Dais with salwaat for as long as the Sun reposes in Aries.