Leader of the martyrs Marasiya mourn poetry

Karbala Poetry

This marsiya is poetry that expresses sorrow over the suffering of the family of Prophet Mohammed ( peace be on him ). Prophet family was persecuted after his death and it started almost immediately and continued for a century or so, and it reached its highest point of suffering in the martyrdom of Karbala, Iraq when his grandson imam Hussain A.S. was martyred with 72 of his family which included 18 of the family of the prophet ( peace be on him ). Aashura is the 10th of Mohrrum ( 1st month of the Islamic calendar and it fell on 26th Dec 2009, this year ) when Hussain imam AS was martyred in Karbala after three days of thirst and hunger about 60 years of establishment of Islam in the world. This literature is developed especially after the martyrdom of Kerbala and people over the centuries written marasiya not only in Arabic but many languages like Persian, Urdu, Pashtu, many Indian local languages, etc. Though Hussein imam is central to the marasiya slowly it included the suffering of Ali, Faema and Hasan, other holy members of Panjetan and progeny of Hussein imam, his son Zain el Abedeen. It started with the Shia branch of Islam and then by other Muslims and so much so that people of other religions like Hindus and Christian ( Arabs ) also joined. Underlined them is love for the family of the Prophet ( peace be on him ) and a deep sense of grief at their suffering by the rulers of the time.

This was written by 51 st dai el mutlaq of Dawood Bohra, late ( muqaddas ) Syedna Taher Saifuddin in Arabic. Its explanation was given in lisan e dawat (which is a mixture of Arabic, Indian local language Gujarati, Urdu and other dialects of Gujarat state of India .) From this, I have tried to put it in English. My attempts contain many errors and omissions and for that, I seek forgiveness from God. However, in case, some way if it fills the heart of the reader with the pain and reminds him of the suffering of the martyrs of Karbala and tear comes out from his/her eyes, I will be very happy and thankful to God and credit will belong entirely to my leader Syedna Taher Saifuddin Maula ( muqaddas).

O leader of the martyrs

O leader of the martyrs     

O fifth of the prophet’s cloth covering

In Karbala my deep wailing

Deep is the repentance , O Hussein AS.

On your great suffering     

For long I will remain a lamenter

O leader of the martyrs

O son of Allah’s messenger      O best of the emperors On your great trial ever      Our melancholy stops never From eyes flow blood tears      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.       O leader of the martyrs

O soul leave the body forever      O eye cry tears after tears, Heartless enemy killed your leader      with cruel and blurred dragger Enemy is the evilest of ages ever      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s..        O leader of the martyrs

O assembly of the believers      Cry on your clear leader Cry on your blessed emperor      Cry on true sublime preacher Cry on son of the best lady ever      Deep is the repentance, O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

You all cry on imam Hussein as      Cry on truth’s fountain Cry on charity’s fountain      In Karbala , thirsty he was slain In the path of God, the Giver      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Long period you all cry      Leader who was martyred while thirsty Cry morning, evening and daily      On the ground of Judgment Day Get the reward from the Requiter      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Alas O foreigners of Mohammad      In Karbala all were martyred Ladies were wronged & tyrannized      By group oppressors they were moved From one forest to another      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

On the offspring of revelation      Tons of misfortunes were fallen Avenging was period with retaliation      On the dust all blessed stars fallen Ashura β€” the day of the martyrs      Deep is the repentance, O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Midst of all enemies announcing      I, Hussein am, the last prophet offspring Whom β€˜Taha’ β€˜swad’ Quran saying      Three days of thirsty, mouth drying Asking from you only gulp of water      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Enemies heard no call or plea      Foes were ill mannered & full of envy No water given to imam thirsty      Instead killed leader noble and lofty Benevolent, kind to all, our leader      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Zainab crying On Zainab deep is our sorrow      Wailing on brother as if no morrow Like rains tears after tears flow      Blood all over hair with spirit low Zainab crying with no head cover      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Zainab crying Yelling , O my mother’s son      O prophet’s s.a. daughter’s son O full moon O mid day Sun      Overwhelmed by woes and afflictions In foreign land I am a prisoner      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Zainab crying Deep is the repentance ,O Hussein      Ill-treated in foreign land, O Hussein misfortune befallen, O Hussein      After you home got barren ,O Hussein O resting pillow of believers      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Zainab crying Sakina your oppressed daughter      Foes are slapping her, O brother Paining and injuring      her Yelling, come, I am oppressed , O Father From evil foes, save your daughter      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Sakina crying Where are you ? O father O father      Father gone ? Left your daughter Forgotten your beloved daughter      Take me along with you & go wherever Without you I can live never      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Zainab anguishing on Ali Zain el Aabedin, Hussein imam’s son

This is Ali, imam of the day walking      Close to death weak still walking Chain in leg , imprisoned & walking      On hot sand towards Syria walking Without shoes nor socks, O brother      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Big misfortunes and great calamities      Befallen on prophet’s house ladies By wicked and low enemies      Going through market like slave ladies Are daughters of best prophet ever      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

On another son Ali Akbar A.S. got martyred

Deep is the repentance on young Ali      Face is like prophet Mohammad holy Was brave and allowed no folly      Was sad that those close to God & lofty Are ruled by sons of unknown father      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Son Ali Asghar six months old, the planet of Judgment day

Deep is the repentance on child prince      Martyred in imam’s hands, the heavenly prince Asking for water for innocent & sublime      Foe shot an arrow and will pay for the crime On the judgment day for this child martyr          Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

On brother Abbas A.S. , flag bearer Deep is the repentance on brother Abbas      Bravest in war , pluck beyond class Hands were cut and blood all over alas      Right hand of imam this brother Abbas At imam’s side who is truth verifier      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

On Sakina & Abdullah’s marriage

Wonder on this Karbala holy marriage      In battle field Hussein as solemnized marriage With Abdullah to fulfill given pledge      Sakina crying , Abdullah leaving with courage

to the battlefield to be Hussein’s martyr      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Hussein bidding farewell, what a day      As trembling as Judgment day Told ladies of prophet’s house that day      now Ali is your head , me forever away O Ali You are imam, me will be martyr      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

On Banu AS , wife of imam Hussein AS & mother of imam Zai el Abedeen and daughter of King of Iran,

Repentance on the daughter of Kisra King      Under the captivity and prison ring Holy, noble and lamentably praying      mother of all imams sublime & glowing Remembering Karbala martyrs      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

On Rabab AS. wife of imam Hussein as & mother of Ali Asghar, the planet of Judgment day

On lady Rabab our repentance is profound      Lady praying with melancholy sound Heart is restless as leader not around      tears flow and suffering mound

On Hussein and Asghar , the martyrs      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Repentance on your two daughters      Fatema senior and Fatema junior Both are in deep distress sphere      Experiencing greatest world tragedy ever

Peace & patience to them come never      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Sister Umme Kulsum crying after martyrdom

And lady Kulsum was wailing      Hands on chest she was striking On her brother, world’s noblest being      With raised breathing lady was crying Sobbing and shedding blood tears      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Alas Umme Kulsum What a state      Torn her clothes, depression great Hiding with hair her beautiful face      Oppressors snatched away her veil Tearful moon like face shining ever      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Alas orphan children carried by widows      Siblings with shining face and glow Ladies have lost their men’s shadow      Were brave & right path they did follow

Body lying open without cloth cover      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Deep is repentance on holy ladies      No head cover in front of the enemies From noble houses, melancholy cries      In the battle field of Karbala these ladies Weeping esteem leaders , the martyrs      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Distressed ladies have torn their clothes      Their hearts are shaken and are in woes Difficulties fall on them with no pause      Bearing loads of misfortunes in rows

Hearts are in state of awe and fear      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Alas These small innocent children      Crying loudly, no pause nor mum Foes tied them with rope, can’t run      No support, for these small ones

Their fathers disappeared, martyred      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Brave young ones deep we repent      Shinning stars of the house of Prophet On the side of imam. firmly they went      Faced the foes with no fear nor dent

On the day of Aashura all martyred      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Repentance on faithful companions      That day they were battle field lions Well armed, thick necked brave champions      gave pledged to imam & loyal bastion Fell on the dust of Karbala as martyrs      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

By spear blow some got injured      Some fell in the hot sand as martyrs Some were killed else were slaughtered      Were person of forehead and shoulder Desert is full of such handsome warriors      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Wonder all died in God’s way must      They were created from holy dust Were well honored , kind and just      In nobilities and grace they were first Straight in their faith , these martyrs      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

I give myself up, by my father      Glowing universe’s abstract & leader Of that house of Lord of Appear      Sublime body was crushed & run over

Alas By horse shoes of the evil doers      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Can any believer keep resting      Alas Is there any distress more paining ? Head of Hussein on spear top praying      Sublime head was shining & glowing Like sun in the sky yonder      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Repent on that round metal plate      Where holy head of imam of time is kept Damn king Yazid on throne he set      Hitting imam a.s. jaw with bamboo stem Making fun of this divine leader      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Cry This prophet (Mohammed) is crying      This mother Fatema is crying Father Ali, the great is crying      Brother Hasan is crying All prophets are crying on martyrs      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Mother Fatema Zohra is crying      This sky and this earth is crying The faith that is raditating is crying      with all believers too is crying

Cry you too , O group of knower      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Be destroyed O group of evil doers      You all gathered to kill the leader Who was sublime and clear      In fact, the heart of religion of Creator

And divine clarifications and answers      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

O wicked people you be destroyed      Soul that was pure & holy you killed Soul that was sublime you slaughtered      Soul that grew from glow illuminated From highest heaven, bright and sheer      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

O Beneficent ambassador      O ages and age’s clarifier O flag -bearer of faith clear      O wishes & supplication’s fulfiller O merciful among merciful leader      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Your slave is weeping on you      Your slave is lamenting on you Total and absolute submission to you      This melancholy poetry is for you A sign of submission to you, O leader      Deep is our repentance , O Hussein .a.s        O leader of the martyrs

O leader of justice total      O son of daughter of best apostle

O son of chief of honey bee little      surrender to you with family,soul total And my children, father and mother      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Son of Hussein as , imam Ali Zain el Abedeen

O son of Hussein a.s. , the martyr      Our witnessed and kind care taker O God, the Eminent ambassador      O resting pillow of the believers O roost of the people who are sincere      Deep is our repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

To the present imam as, the sublime progeny of imam Hussein a.s. in seclusion

With your grace, O leader of time      Your slave be favored and be primed Grant closeness and pardon his sins      Except your house where else will he hide ? O shadow of High , the Exalter      Deep is our repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

O Lord say salwat & peace on Hussein as      Pour your mercy on Hussein a.s.

With special honor bless Hussein as      Favor & special Favor on Hussein a.s. Till rains keeps falling from sky up there      Deep is our repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

On his grand father and father      The High , the face of the Perceiver And his mother and brother      companions & descendents sublime ever People of praise and praise owners      Deep is our repentance , O Hussein a.s.

O leader of the martyrs

Clear all my problems      Increase my blessing manifolds Change all my misdeeds      into total complete good deeds O Lord listen my prayers      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs

Damned Yazid be damned ever      Also his damned and cursed helpers The evilest co oppressors      To bani Yasin ,who all became martyrs High and presiding and leaders      Deep is the repentance , O Hussein a.s.        O leader of the martyrs