#Aimat Tahereen

Karbala Prophet Adam AS to Prophet Mohammed SA & Ali SA

Syedna Burhanuddin’s Moharrum discourse recounts various prophets visiting Karbala, where Angel Gabriel reveals the future martyrdom of Hussain AS, leading them to mourn.

Posted on Wed, Jul 17, 2024 Karbala Aimat Tahereen

Nahj Al-Balaghah -

Dive into the wisdom of Imam Ali through selected sermons, letters, and sayings, reflecting on justice, morality, and leadership within the Fatemi Dawat context.

Posted on Thu, Jun 6, 2024 Fatemi Dawat Panjatan Paak Aimat Tahereen Book

ىا من الىة المشتكى و المبتحل - Ya Man Alaykal Mushtaqa

Delve into a brief transcription capturing heartfelt prayers and devotion, seeking divine intercession and forgiveness. Experience the depth of faith expressed in each line, resonating with reverence for spiritual guides.

Sahifa Sajaddiya

The Sahifa, also known as Al-Sahtfat Al-Kamilat Al-Sajjadiyya, is a revered compilation of supplications and teachings attributed to Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin, offering profound insights into Islamic spirituality and guiding seekers on the path of devotion and reflection.

Posted on Fri, Feb 9, 2024 Aimat Tahereen Documents Book Historical

Hussain SA No Comparison

Posted on Tue, Oct 4, 2022 Poetry Aimat Tahereen Karbala Historical

My Prophet Mohammed

Book by Hunaid F. Khorakiwala

मदेह सैयदना अबु खुजैमा फखरुदददीन त उ श

A tribute to Syedna Taher Fakhruddin, capturing the reverence and deep respect held for his leadership and contributions.